Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!

Hi peeps! 
there's only 2 days left before my family and I
are leaving for a vacay trip to Sunshine Coast!
woohoo !!! *Allhamdulillah 

it's a 3 hours drive from toowoomba to sunshine coast.
pretty much . . .
so i decide to do a little review on 
" what to bring for a vacay "

i have been on a very very very long road trip,
and thank the good lord that I have prepared everything.
it's very important to have your 
toiletries; sleeping gear; clothes; etc 
when you're going on a ROAD TRIP

toiletries : hair brush, wipes, tooth paste, tooth brush,
dental floss, face cleanser & mouth wash.

sleeping gear : socks, eye patch? (i dunno what's it called),
sleeping bag *not in the pic, small pillow *not in the pic,
small blanket *not in the pic

so that's basically it for toiletries & sleeping gear.
you don't really need a small blanket, s pillow, sleeping bag.
but just in case if u need it. 

you'll definitely need the toiletries stuff, 
cause you'll need something to make you look nice and fresh.
fresh breath, fresh face.

as y'all know, i'm a hijabi. 
so to save space, you'll need to fold the shawls 
into nice square shape.
or you can have them in a knot. *that would wreck the shawl actually :/

keep your pins & brooch in a small pocket bag.
it's easier like that, so you won't lose it.

you'll also need a safety kit. or just have a bandage
and some pain killer. :)

I'll guess that's it?
I can't wait to go to Sunshine Coast!
Yippeee !!!

" make the most of your moments at Sunshine Coast " 


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