Monday, 14 October 2013


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!

HI!!! how are you lot's doing? well if ya askin me, I've had one a heck of week! my days was terrible.. i was really tired a.k.a exhausted. there's a lot of thing that's been running through me mind.  I mean, don't you ever have thoughts what's your future going to be? would you have a good job with a good pay or you might end up pushing trolleys at Kmart. would you ever find a nice bloke and get married or something, have kids with a good house and education or you might end your life being an old single women, with no kids to call yours. or you end up dying with your hearts contain full of regrets. Ya Allah! what am I going to do.. i'm freak out! and that ain't good! as much as the future scaring me, i'm also worried about my educations in Australia. i mean it's ain't bad nor good. it's just a bit difficult for me to survive, to adapt! thank the good lord, i'm still standing! :D but you know, #Happiness can be found even in the darkest of time. i thinks worrying is in teenagers nature... maybe to some.. heheheh well I'll tell ya, if you're worried you make lots of false assumptions. now when you make lots and that could lead you worrying and depression the next and YOU.KNOW.WHAT. :/ (committing suicide) ... there's a lot of solutions for this dilemma, you could hang outs with your mates or family. you could do charity or voluntary works. or things that's would give benefits to you and others. :) the whole worlds love you, or maybe at least someone does :D


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