Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah! wow!!! there's like hundreds pictures of flowers that I've posted.. heheheh chill mate, it's September and September means SPRING !!! also means ME BIRTHDAY! ahahahaha ... so today my family and I went on this old train to Spring Bluff.. I'm pretty sure the journey takes about 15 minutes or so.. I was so excited cause it's my first time on a train! Allhamdulillah! there's nothing much other than pretty bright flowers.. which is cool.. y'all know what I said to me mama ? is said, " ma, when it's time for me to get married I want this 3 flower to be on the entrance door, and this two as my bouquet and that should go along the isle ... and all of them has to be alive, not the fake one.. " "InshaAllah :) " hahahaha.. I'm serious man, the flowers are so bright in colours and also rare ... damn! they're pretty! how amazing is the creation of Allah (god) .. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to come here and watch all the pretty flowers blooming! Allhamdulillah!!

these are the flowers that I want for me wed!
these would be my hand bouquet
these would be along the aisle
mama & papa with LE TRAIN!
spring bluff!
aunt ramiza & me
Queensland Rail
Le Cafe
uncle shafain, zulzamri & papa
me & super boy
me, aunt zana, mukhlis, tasneem & mini superman! (super boy)
atok kimi !
Spring Bluff was a great place to be! so pretty and you're surrounded with multi colours of flowers & bee as well (not multi colour) .. Spring Bluff, till we meet again! Assalamualaikum!
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