Sunday, 6 July 2014

Whaddup Sunday!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
howdy there mate! ;)
what what what whaaaatttt duppp Sunday!
k, there's nothing much to talk about is there?
then it'll be another boring post...
kay, let's talk about Eid!
yes, yes...

I wonder, if my family and I are going to celebrate Eid
in Australia...
my dad, he has completed his master here in USQ.
Alhamdulillah, congrats!
hooraa ... hoooraaa ... 
however, he wishes to continue his study to the next level.
to PHD level, meaning 3 to 4 years of studying...
yes, my brother (Hakim) and I would probably graduate high school by then. but the decision was not ours to make,
so we have to wait for the "APPROVAL"
InshaAllah, may Allah allow me to finish my high school
in H.S.H.S
it's not that i don't want to go home, I DO WANT TO GO HOME...
but I would struggle a LOT if I leave now..
and that means failing in my final exams in high school,
not being able to go to college let alone UNI,
not gonna have my dream job,
and finally die from depression...
may Allah ease everything for me and my family...
well the best way to forget about unnecessary things is by shopping.. yeay!
I want to take this chance to acknowledge the death
of #Sharifah Aini (i'm so sorry, i don't knw how to spell her name)
and also #Linda Rafar's son who had passed away... they both were sick. 

Saturday, 5 July 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
yeay! its Ramadhan Kareem! hoping that this ramadhan,
would be the best ramadhan!
may our days in this Holy Month filled with
#Baraqah #Forgiveness #Love #Grateful
Allah, it has been such a long time, my tiny fingers
feel so strange, I haven't type in ages!
not even in Facebook!
I've been sick and working all week,
and I've been doing just fine!
it's winter, its allergy, cold, flu, fever season..
yes, but Alhamdulillah, Allah has grant my family and I
a good health after two week of #haacuuuummmm!!! season...
yes, believe it or not, it has been a week us muslim fasting!
how quick time flies by...
but it's my first.. daadeedaadooo
nothing much, it's just a boring post... sorry ...
anyway, my days has been great, how about yours?
I hope it has been awesome!
don't forget about terawih, Al - Kafh
duas to our sisters and brothers around the world...

a BIIIIIIGGGGGGG smile for you lots!