Saturday, 19 April 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
Holiday la la la la la day!
Oh No! Term 1 holiday is nearly to it's end!
Dang it!
Why can't we have holiday for 6 months
Twice a year!
Eh eh eh eh ...
Yes, its unfortunate for us, le student
Because school is going to start soon.
I'm not ready..
eh ce ce ce..
*gedik Lah awok nih..
Kay, Kay...
My family and I didn't really do anything
For holiday.. just chilling at home...
But today, we all decide to go spend some
time together picking strawberries and apples!
This is our second time picking strawberries and apples,
But its a first for #AuntyMilin, #AuntyHana, #AuntyYasmin
And also #AuntySu.
It was very fun! I enjoyed it...
Thanks for the suggestion #AuntyMilin!
So we went to the Apple field first, but
That place was full with humans!
(obviously, takkan full dgn animals kot..Duh)
We left the field feeling devastated, thought
That we have to cancel the activities (plucking the apples)
But NO!!! We went to the strawberry field instead,
It was like a 10 minutes drive..It wasn't that far..
Enjoying myself plucking the strawberries, and also enjoying the
View... it was a beautiful day I tell ya!
After we spent nearly half an hour at the strawberry field,
We decide to move on and find a place for us to have lunch..
The kids we're excited as it their first time...
Haha it was actually funny..
We finally find, a perfect place
(shades; toilet; playground; table)
It was nice and shady, relaxing cool breeze...
Very relaxing place..
After we finish our lunch, it was about 1.40 p.m. I think,
So we're headed back to the apple field..
It was a bit crowded, but not as crowded as before..
It was fine... we get a bag each for the apple
So that we don't have to hold the apple one by one..
It was more like a hunting game..
Well, you can't simply pluck every apple you see,
You have to check it first, making sure the apple is not rotten.
All the apple was pretty much rotten actually..
Its kinda hard to find the really good one...
And our hunting mission begins...




Lunch time!

you would not believe this!
#Aisy was so cute! I told her to go and sit,
Somewhere near the pretty flowers so that I can take
Her picture..
Guess what! She did what she was told!
She literally walk and stand near the flowers!
And I was like awhhhh... melting moment!

Cuteness overload!

play time!

flower girls!

Apple field



The leaves change its colour, cause Autumn is here
Our last photo shoot, *ececeh was at Castle Blen...
we had our second stop, to perform prayers and a lil
Snack before we hit the road....
Alhamdulillah! It was a beautiful day! Thanks everyone...


Monday, 7 April 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
How are you peeps? Doing good?
  Hope so, so yesterday, I went to shafika's house
For a sleep over... it was cool...
Whom am I kidding, it was awesome!
It was angah's last favour, she wanted to spent her
Precious time in Toowoomba with us.
Our first plan, was to watch a movie,
But the plan got cancelled,
And replace with something more fun! *to them...
Just chilling at Japanese garden, having some sweet moments
With the girls... taking pictures
Enjoying the beautifulness of Toowoomba's garden!
We had a lot of fun actually, it's like us doing
A photo shoot session with #Vogue.. kekekekeh
Ok, time for pictures!







angah, live your life to the fullest! Enjoy
Your days in Malaysia!
Jangan Lupe solar, jgn blank jer bile org bercakap dgn angah..
Jage diri, jgn Lupe kami!