Sunday, 26 January 2014

Do it like a mom :)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!

 The schools starts on Wednesday, yeap this Wednesday.
 Time flies so fast, it feels like we just start our long school holidays.

Hurmmm ... 

Nothing much going on in my days. Everything change
Little by little.
I found myself cook for lunch recently.
 Yeah! Me!
I mean I know that I'm old enough to take the duty as
The second mother to our family,
But I just don't feel like it.
It's just too much.

During holidays, I would prepare the breakfast,
 Wash the clothes, hang them, wash the dishes,
Clean the house. Basically I would do the house work.
:) I don't mind, cause my ma would be exousted after work.
So me being the only daughter in the house, has to take 
The role as a second mother! Yeah!

Just imagine, your mom got home from work
then find the house looking messy, lunch is not ready,
clothes hasn't been wash.
Just imagine guys. You would be sad right?

So let's help them by cleaning the house!
Making sure that the little one has been fed!
The lunch ready, the dishes has been wash.
It's actually easy, and I'm sure your mom would
be proud of ya!
* then later on, you can brag to your siblings that you did the house work! Ahaks! 

Here, I'll give u some tips on how to make yourselves
do the house work!

  • Write down what you need to do next morning on a sticky note. Example, vacuum the house , wash the dishes, hang the clothes, make breakfast.
  • Once you have done the house work, crossed them with a red pen. 
  • If you have done all of them, sign them with your signature. Or you can ask your mom to do that.

The sticky notes to do list actually help me to do my house work, and little by little helps my ma.
Get over your ego and help!

P/S my gran said when a girl is use to do the housework and she is the 'second mom' in the house, that means she's ready to have her very own family :)


Saturday, 18 January 2014


سْـــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
back then when we were kids,
we use to used
a pencil that has a rubber
at the end of it.
it was like a 2 in 1 pencil.
BUT as we grew older,
we had to change from the
cool 2 in 1 pencil
to a pen, pen is not that cool
cause it's a permanent ink.
so we can't rub it out like a pencil.
we have to use a special kind of rubber.
a white out or liquid paper.
when were kids, we did things that
we're not meant to do.
but we were kids, so the bad things
we did didn't count as DOSA
but as we grew older, the bad things
that we are currently do is now
count as DOSA
WHY??? cause we can now choose to do 
we can use our brain properly.
only, the wrong thing we did cannot be rub off like
a pencil and a rubber.
but it has to be with 
just like a white out and a liquid paper.
let's seek for forgiveness from 
our creator, and also the forgiveness
from the people that we've done wrong.
because to forgive is a beautiful thing. :)


when I was little
imma big woman ;)

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
HI :) again. hihiks.
 okay I have recently update my blog.
maybe because there's a lot of storyI want to blog. I like blogging ;)

12.January.2013 2014
12 Jan, was probably Malaysian Toowoomba first family day
hurmmm ... they probably have family
day before me being here :P
long story to tell, so we chopped chopped em,
it was a splendid & beautiful & fun day!
organised by aunt E Comel Comel & kak Susu Shushi
big thumbs UP! :) to u guys!
it was "THE BEST DAY FOR 2014" :D
we all had fun ANDDDD we all full
*burpppp Alhamdulillah :)
thanks for the superb foods & drinks!
super triple power fun games!
cute brooch!
what more can I say, I enjoyed it, no we all enjoyed it.
the games, the gathering is like a glue
that help attached us all together!
as usual, I have some photos that shows how happy we all were.
It's a day that only matters about
        (quoted by kak susu shushi)
Malaysian Toowoomba Family Day & Sports Day!

Me & #Hannah

1 Happy Family at home!

2 Happy family at home!

the bapak's 2

Happy Birthday #Syifa & #Ika!

aunt #Milin, mama & aunt #Hana

#kimi peace!
aunt #JuZie, aunt #Dastie, mama

jejari gediks!

uncle #Hizam, aunt #JuZie, aunt #Dastie

me, aunt #Zana, aunt #Su
#Hannah & #Angah

trying to squeeze the water into the bottle!

lil #kimi & his dad took the challenge!

the #Kanak's2

instruction were given before the games begin...

go #Haza go!
#mukhlis go go go!
Yellow team won most of it :D
heaaippp! #aisy main air yer .. :P
so that's for the Kanak's2 what about the dewasa?
ngeeee ...
getting ready
an example on how to play

the cute! #HanaJai

the teruna

aunt #Su & uncle #ZulZam

waiting to compete! #MaPa

aunt #Ramiza & uncle #Shafain
last games was " tukar2 gifts "
Nabi SAW pesan
"Hendaklah kamu saling memberi hadiah,
nescaya kamu akan berkasih sayang."
(HR Thabrani).


the bapaks2

the gegegegegirls
*nih muka dah kenapa ?.?

my ma & pa

my lil brothers

Alhamdulillah! we all had fun!
a good fun :) thanks again for
*orang2 kuat yg menjayakan program :D
last but no least, the photo bomber! haish.. :P
ok here's 1 more ...
caught on camera! :P 



Wednesday, 8 January 2014

see that BOX ? that's A BABY BOX

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
ok, the tittle post for today's update is a bit weird, a bit shocking. YES IKR!!! 
"see that box there? that's where they put the babies."
the world facing one of the most unsolved problems. what's that fara? well, we are facing the infant abandonment. it's not just Malaysia that are currently facing these kind of problems,
it's like a virus, that effect the whole world.
we saw so many babies were abandoned in the streets every year some die due to the abandonment.
In Seoul, South Korea, hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned on the streets every year. That’s when this brave pastor and his wife decided to do something about it. Watch their extraordinary story of love here.
help donate at
P/S mohon orang2 yg suka buang baby terasa, dan start buat perkara yg betul. :)

Monday, 6 January 2014

Sweet, Sour, Salty in 2013 :)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah!
jeng jeng jeng !!! my second blog update in 2014. just quick update about my sweet sour and salty - ness in 2013. there's a quote that said...
if your life is not about UPs & DOWN's that means your DEAD"
muehehehehhehehe *evil laugh
isn't it obvious, that our life is not perfect. the sadness will eventually go away and happiness will hunting. so don't fill your head with tons and tons of worry - ness , cause pimples will suddenly pop on your pretty faces. so stop worrying and be happy. :D :B 
now, shall we begin with our potion class? *heh -_- soset mano si cikgu Harry Potter nih :P
P/S please note that the picture were not place in chronological orders!
baby zhorif belongs to aunt zana & uncle din :)

Hannah birthday surprise!

* watashiwa ma kin bam bam des!

mukhlis and aisya a day before raya!

dak dak dogel!

full moon in Toowoomba!
last day with makteh & makteh anom *sob sob

muklis & tasneem birthday party!

aunty min & I raya

iftar with my two sweet peas!

aunty min last day in ossie! sob sob

hurricane ride with mak teh!

girls day out to Japanese garden!
fishing at lake cressbrook

raya at uncle syed's house

Mixed and matched OOTD 

school assignment

sun flower stopping

last day with my buddy's!
last but not least! happy to be an aunty!



some people asked me, what does your nephews and nieces call u?
I simply said, ouh they called me mama long.
* tapi bebudak nih, ikut suke jer nk panggil apa. ade sekejap panggil mok cik, mak long, mama, ibu, ummi lah berbagai lah.. kikikikiki
Prof. Snape :that's all for today, we have finally finish with potion text book for 2013, now we shall start on a new potion text book for 2014! a very thick one!
hermoine : fine by me!
ron : mental that one! i'm telling you.